Kara + Travis

“‘Cause you and I would be easier as us… We don’t need three words when just one could sum us up… We’re a couple; a pair, it’s apparent when we touch… Oh, you and I would easier as us.”

From the moment I met these two, I was as in love as they are… Kindred spirits is putting it lightly. Every year a new couple comes along that I know is just meant to be a part of the bsc family. And these two are it.

Travis is this awesome mega geek (a la my boyfriend, Nick) and Kara is equal parts fun, quirky, and passionate. When we met the first time we were doing the same workout, and though someone has followed through with flying colors, I have not. Travis is also a player for the BC Old Timey Baseball league (do you remember that my engagement last week had a player for the Saginaw team? What are the odds!?)… so freaking fun!

We had so many grand ideas for this session but had the hardest time finding the time to fit it all in. So in perfect happenstance this did take place on the longest day of the year! And though we didn’t make it out of town, they trusted my complete on-a-whim spirit and we just drove around Bay City.

I do have to give a shout out to all the time Kara and I spent scouring websites for suitable wardrobe options, and her stunning choice to order this navy dress from Lulus.com! I completely trust the quality of these clothes now (because I’m always afraid they’re going to be too short as maxi’s), it flowed beautifully and I was absolutely in love! You MUST check it out!

Can’t wait to see what we do with their fall wedding and GINORMOUS wedding party! Until then!

Kara Stedry and Travis Galbraith
