Anna Slachta

“In her dreams, she rides wild horses… And they carry her away on the wind…”

Anna’s session is the first (of hopefully many) Premier BSC Luxe Senior Portrait Experiences. A full day all about kicking off your senior year. We start with a style consultation, making sure we get the largest variety in color and style, with a push towards more timeless looks. From casual to bohemian, from edgy to glam.

But that’s only where it starts! The best part about the Luxe Experience is the variety in location, a full afternoon and evening driving around to find completely unique spots for each look! Also, changes in hair and makeup throughout the day! Subtle tweaks to make each look one of its own!

This is also the only session that includes a HUGH variety of digital images, with NO decisions to be made! Just an entire portfolio of images you love, to do with as you please! Wallets, graduation announcements, giant canvases, metal prints, the possibilities are endless! Can’t wait to see what this Freeland High Senior does with her senior year!


Anna Slachta :: Class of 2016
Freeland High School


We started out heading up River Road looking for a lush spot or two for Anna’s more casual and bohemian looks.

Her eyes are so crazy stunning, I mean is that for real!?

Next we headed into downtown Bay City for some urban looks to go with her killer higher fashion pieces!

Could this one go on the cover of the Bay City Times please?? <3 <3 <3

SO in love with jumpers this season! I want to wear mine every single day! Also a nice little hair and makeup change to give things a different vibe over the course of the session.

Next stop, the Bay City State Park, a little beach grass greenery and sand for a completely new look!

Vary it up by wearing outfits with layers and get more out of each piece.

Mmm, glory light <3

Part of the BSC Luxe Senior Session is that we do a creative look as well. Usually this includes wearing something fancy in a place you’d least expect it…making it *style unexpected*… Anna choose to wear her prom dress to the beach, and be completely stunning in a place that some don’t find the most glamorous of beaches. Another hair and slight makeup change via yours truly, and we were good to go to wrap up this gorgeous session!

Can’t wait to start planning the next BSC Luxe Senior Experience… will it be with you?! Book Now!