Jana + Derek

Now that senior season is wrapping up, it’s back to engagement sessions and wedding days! From celebrating the end of an era, to celebrating the next steps, I swear I couldn’t love my work more! Jana and Derek have moved out of state while finishing up school, but I can’t wait to see them again and capture their big day!

Jana and Derek Bay City Michigan Wedding Photographer

Jana and Derek Bay City Michigan Wedding Photographer

Jana and Derek Bay City Michigan Wedding Photographer

Jana and Derek Bay City Michigan Wedding Photographer

What is your occupation?

Jana : Registered Nurse
Derek : 
Physician Assistant student

Jana and Derek Bay City Michigan Wedding Photographer

Jana and Derek Bay City Michigan Wedding Photographer

How long had you been dating before getting engaged?

Jana : 1 year and 8 months
Derek : We were dating for about a year and 8 months.

Jana and Derek Bay City Michigan Wedding Photographer

Jana and Derek Bay City Michigan Wedding Photographer

Jana and Derek Bay City Michigan Wedding Photographer

Where are you from?

Jana : Midland, MI
Derek : 
Grand Rapids, MI

Jana and Derek Bay City Michigan Wedding Photographer

Jana and Derek Bay City Michigan Wedding Photographer

Jana and Derek Bay City Michigan Wedding Photographer

Where are you going to live after the wedding?

Jana : We’ll still be in Downers Grove, IL for the first year until Derek finishes PA school then we’ll move back to Michigan.
Derek : In Downers Grove, IL until I am done with PA school then we will move back to Michigan.

Jana and Derek Bay City Michigan Wedding Photographer

Jana and Derek Bay City Michigan Wedding Photographer

Jana and Derek Bay City Michigan Wedding Photographer

Jana and Derek Bay City Michigan Wedding Photographer

How did you meet?

Jana : We worked together but we met at a get together with coworkers outside of work.
Derek : We first officially met at an after work gathering with coworkers, but we both worked on the same unit at Butterworth hospital in Grand Rapids.

Jana and Derek Bay City Michigan Wedding Photographer

Jana and Derek Bay City Michigan Wedding Photographer

Jana and Derek Bay City Michigan Wedding Photographer

Tell me about your first date/impression :

Jana : For our first date he either made me dinner or we went to Rockwells in Grand Rapids, I can’t remember which was first. I knew he was a keeper when I found out he could cook! At first, I was a little hesitant about dating a coworker but it turned out to be a great decision!
Derek : I was very adamant about making Jana dinner the first couple days after we met. She had a smile that could light up a room and her laugh was infectious, but most of all she was very easy to carry a conversation with.

Jana and Derek Bay City Michigan Wedding Photographer

Jana and Derek Bay City Michigan Wedding Photographer

Jana and Derek Bay City Michigan Wedding Photographer

What five words best describes him?

Jana : Supportive, intelligent, loyal, funny, selfless

Jana and Derek Bay City Michigan Wedding Photographer

What five words best describes her?

Derek : Sassy, smart, funny, driven and genuine.
