
“But whatever road you choose…
Iā€™m right behind you, win or lose…
Forever young, forever young.”

My first senior of the season ended up with THE single hottest day of the Michigan summer! Meet Jaclyn, Eisenhower High School, class of 2014. She warned me ahead of time that she’s a shy girl and would take a while to be comfortable… wanna know a secret? It didn’t take that long šŸ˜‰ By the end I found all of the fun goofy faces of a 17 year old! But man, can this girl rock her “serious face”… even if I may have mentioned her resemblance to a Disney Villain… it was all in good fun šŸ˜€ Jaclyn also brought her sister, Kayleigh and her pup to round out her session at Heritage Gardens in Shelby Township.
Eisenhower High School :: Class of 2014
My session for senior pictures was crazy hot and I got very grumpy, but Leslie put up with all my complaining and made me feel comfortable. She’s hilarious and I would love to get my picture taken again by her. The pictures came out wonderful and I’m so happy I chose Black Sheep Chic Photography for my senior pictures!

Jaclyn2014 Senior







