dearborn fall lifestyle family session
“I know a girl… She puts the color inside of my world… But she’s just like a maze… Where all of the walls all continually change…”
I met this family through some odd circumstances almost a year ago when this little one was almost ready to join us. Last weekend I had the please of making a return trip to Dearborn to meet her in person.This little doll is an absolutely precious joy. And though she had no problem with the “stranger with the camera”, she was not very amused either! Despite everyone’s attempts this was just not a day for smiles and belly laughs. But something that I like to always remind my moms is that these portraits portray who we are on THIS day (that’s why it’s called a lifestyle session 😉 and somedays, we just don’t feel like being silly!Besides, I love this family’s sense of style… from home decor, to fashion, to mom’s fantastic new hairstyle!
The Smiddy Family