Kyle Ellison

“Live right now… Just be yourself… It doesn’t matter if that’s good enough for someone else…”

As per most of the senior guy sessions out there in the world, this wasn’t Kyle’s first choice of activities for the day. But personally, I’d say this quiet senior crushed it!

We met up and headed to downtown Bay City for a little texture, and I LOVE what we ran across! I haven’t done much in the area this season, but I’ll definitely be heading back sometime!

Also my very first senior from H.H. Dow High School in Midland, I can’t wait to add more to the bscsenior family next year!


Kyle Ellison :: Class of 2017
Herbert Henry Dow High School


What school activities do you participate in?

I participate in the Business Professionals of America because I get to “test my skills” with accounting, which is both something I love to do and something that I want to go into.

What are you most looking forward to senior year?

I am most looking forward to graduating in my senior year, and going off to college.

Which was your favorite look?

The alley shots with the purple shirt.

What are your current plans after graduation?

I currently plan to go to Michigan State University and study accounting.

Why did you choose blacksheepchic?

We chose them because of a personal recommendation.

What do you think makes blacksheepchic different?

The way that Leslie took the time to get to me and try to gear the session toward what I wanted.

What was your favorite thing about your session?

When it was over. 🙂
