the garrison family :: tawas michigan family photographer
“I see skies of blue….. clouds of white
Bright blessed days….dark sacred nights
And I think to myself …..what a wonderful world.”
What a GREAT family! That being said… it didn’t start out quite as smoothly as one would hope. 😉 The child with more energy than I’d have a CLUE what to do with, and is rumored to have trouble staying dressed, threw a pretty decent tantrum about changing his current attire….now THAT I can relate to! And Baby Boy just sat and smiled and had no problems with the strange lady with the camera…. *look for the random family pic that displays the opposite of what I’m talking about…it makes me laugh every time!*But I want to tell this to everyone who’s ever gotten or will get family pictures taken with kids under…sayyyy….100 years old (I’m not kidding…there is ALWAYS at least one person who doesn’t want to be there! This will NEVER CHANGE!) Things will never be “perfect”, someone will always cry, pout, or spill something on their carefully chosen attire. Someone will fake smile, or refuse to do so at all. It will be 100 degrees, or 30 degrees, or raining. But this is life! It’s cold, it rains, we aren’t having a good day… but that’s what I strive for as a photographer and as a brand… I want people to remember that day, that wasn’t too different from any other, your kids or your grandfather didn’t take a magic pill of cooperation… but you still have beautifully awesome and fairly realistic portraits of who you all were on that day.
And THAT being said! My favorite little subjects did end up sans-clothes within an hour, and I couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome. This is their family at the lake. This is summer. This is life. <3
The Garrison Family