Fall Shoot
“We are young… So let’s set the world on fire… We can burn brighter than the sun.”
Shoot #2 with the 2017 BSC Model Team! I am so excited to have these kids representing me this year! From the high schools I attended, Valley Lutheran and Heritage, to the local schools of my new city, Bay City Central and John Glenn, I LOVE being able to branch out and take on all of the Tri-Cities!
This was my second full team shoot styled by yours truly! Goodwill Stores have more to offer than you’d think! And man did this turn out better than my grandest expectations! I couldn’t be happier! Amazing location, perfect light, kids ready to explore <3 Absolutely stunning!
This summer you’ve seen the seniors crush their senior sessions from Houghton Lake to Detroit. Next up are the underclassmen and their personal sessions! Can’t wait to see what we come up with!
Team Members
Kristin Stout – JGHS
Meredith Friend – HHS
Tyler Vincent – BCC
McKenna Forgash – JGHS
Amaya Burel – BCC
Kacy Vanderlooven – VLHS
Katie Wilson – VLHS

*BAM* Amaya killed it! And still another year before her senior session!

Can we take a minute to appreciate this gorgeous rust? #theyrecutetoo

Shout out to the powers that be for the gorgeous location and light. #takenothingbutpicturesleavenothingbutfootprints