The BSC Elite – Fall 2020

One last shoot with The BSC Elite 2020! We had to move some dates around due to weather but who knew things would turn out at 70+ degrees in November?! I’ll take it! The change of date, sickness, and lining up with high kick had our numbers down for the fall shoot this year, but these ladies shone enough for the whole group! Next we move on to our Christmas party and then to deciding what I’m going to do about the team next year. Surprise! I have a baby arriving in February and am in full on contemplation mode about how to juggle my time for little one’s first year. I know that I won’t be able to go a year without my beautiful seniors though, so we will see what work/home balance I can strike! It’s definitely a new adventure for me. But I was happy to finish up this tough year with these smiling faces <3
