Lori + Chase

“It started on a Sunday five dollar matinee that put us on our way… the road less traveled…”

I’m sorry but I just can’t contain my excitement over this session! It’s EVERYTHING I dream of! A completely incredible abandoned building (with actual permission from the owner to be there! Special and the grandest thank you and appreciation to Dore & Associates!!!), beautiful light, and a fantastic couple!

Then the fact that this fantastic couple used the words “You’re the professional, whatever you think!” If you’re willing to go along for the full blacksheepchic ride, THIS is it! Eeeee!!!!

And isn’t their sense of style just SPOT ON!? This is how you can do up black and white! Gorgeous, classic, quality. <3 <3 <3 I can not WAIT to see what these two have come up with for the main event! August is going to be rolling with weddings and I’m SO EXCITED!!!!*

*Sorry about the extensive use of exclamation points… I’m a little excitable today 😉

Lori Nichols and Chase Dore

EEEEEEEEE!!!!! I can barely contain myself!!!!!

I love that Chase was almost as excited and totally adventurous! “I’ll get us in!” YEAAAASSSSSSS!!!!

For the record, want to see me bouncing off walls… a crazy abandoned building with gorgeous texture nand off the charts gorgeous light…. and I’m there!

I can’t believe we talked Lori up there with those shoes… and my fear of heights be damned!

And don’t mind all the cuddling… Lori was rocking it in that tiny dress in 40 degrees!!!
