“We moved so fast… Never thought twice… Mind came at last… Put us on ice…”
As with all guys, senior pics is the last place he’d want to be… but I’d say we met half way when we start with me (who belongs on a tropical island) on ICE! Eeegads!
It was a sight! Kevin is #19 on the HHS Hockey team, and it would be safe to say hockey is his passion. (Though I saw on instagram that he also wake boards?! What the heck?! Why couldn’t we have done THAT for pics, Kevin?!)
And a special shout out to Saginaw Bay Ice Arena for letting us on the ice for a little bit! I’ll be back… I may have to see what this sport is all about! (Of course I’ll be the one in the down parka under 3 blankets and a bearskin hat… but I’ll give it a go 😉 Go Hawks!
Kevin Bremer :: Class of 2015
Heritage High School
Heritage High School

This set is totally my favorite!